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Recovering Compensation in a Washington D.C. Product Liability Lawsuit

Americans are fortunate enough to reap the benefits of a capitalistic, free-market system on a daily basis. Because of it, we get the foods we want, the cars we want, the tools we want, and essentially anything else we could ever imagine wanting. This is a fantastic privilege, however, sometimes we do not get what we pay for. When you buy something that doesn’t work as intended, or as advertised, you feel like you got ripped off. What’s worse, sometimes people pay good money for an unsafely designed product and are injured as a result. This is infuriating, and quite literally adds insult to injury. Do not let these big designing and manufacturing companies get the best of you. If you have been injured due to a defective or misrepresented product, you are most likely looking to recover financial compensation to help you with your medical bills, lost wages, and more. Read on to learn about how to recover the compensation you need.

How do I know if I will win my product liability lawsuit?

It is nearly impossible to guarantee you will win your product liability lawsuit, however, if you can prove you were injured due to another party’s negligence, you stand a very good chance. To maximize your chances of winning your claim, you should always hire an experienced personal injury attorney who will determine exactly who and what should be held liable for the injuries you have sustained. To give you a better idea of how an attorney will assess liability in your case, the main types of product liability cases are as follows:

  • Design Defects: When a designer fails to account for user safety and someone is injured as a result, that person most likely has grounds for a product liability lawsuit. However, to win such a lawsuit, both he and his attorney must first prove that there was a safer, more feasible, and equally practical design that would still allow the product to operate as it should.
  • Manufacturer Defects: When a product is confirmedly safe and ready to be manufactured, manufacturers are obligated to follow the designer’s blueprint exactly. Any deviations from this blueprint may cause the product to become unsafe, resulting in injury. This is unacceptable.
  • Failure to Warn: Before a product is placed on retail shelves, it must have a written warning clearly depicting any potential safety hazards it may pose if used improperly. For example, chainsaws, though safe if used correctly, could very obviously cause potential harm if used incorrectly. A chainsaw designer is obligated to include a written warning and instructions to ensure user safety.

Contact our Washington D.C. firm

The experienced personal injury and medical malpractice attorneys at Trombly & Singer, PLLC are prepared to represent clients facing legal matters after being injured due to another person’s negligence. If you require strong legal representation in Washington D.C. or Maryland, contact our firm today to schedule a consultation.