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Recovering Compensation Following the Wrongful Death of a Loved One

When a loved one severely injured following a nasty accident, his or her family will grieve as a whole. However, when a loved one is killed in an accident, a family may be paralyzed with grief–especially if their loved one is wrongly taken from them. There is nothing more tragic than an untimely death, and they very often shake a family to its very core. If you believe your loved one was wrongly killed, you cannot wait. We understand the intensity of your heartache, but you must stay strong and take action. When you hire an experienced attorney, you ensure your family has someone fighting in their corner. If your loved one has been wrongly killed, here are some of the questions you may have:

Who files a wrongful death lawsuit?

Generally, the personal representative of the estate will file a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of the surviving spouse or domestic partner. However, if there is no surviving domestic partner or spouse, the next of kin, such as children, parents, or siblings may file a suit.

How do I recover compensation in a wrongful death lawsuit?

To recover financial compensation, you must first prove that your loved one has died due to another party’s negligence. A knowledgeable attorney will gather all the necessary evidence to help prove your claim. Security camera footage, medical documents, and witness testimony may all be used as evidence. However, insurance companies are notoriously unsympathetic, which is why it is in your best interest to hire an attorney who will fight for your family.

What may I receive compensation for?

If you prove another party is liable for the death of your loved one, you may recover compensation that can help you with the following:

  • The value of the services your loved one provided for your family
  • Lost wages for your loved one’s future economic earnings
  • Medical expenses prior to death
  • The loss of guidance and counsel a parent provides for their children
  • The loss of support and companionship of a spouse, parent, or child
  • Pain and suffering of the deceased
  • Mental anxiety and emotional distress suffered by family members

If your loved one had a will, damages will go to the estate and allocated in proportion to the loss each party suffered. However, if your loved one passed away without a will, the District will follow a set formula to allocate the damages.

Contact our compassionate Washington D.C. firm

The experienced personal injury and medical malpractice attorneys at Trombly & Singer, PLLC are prepared to represent clients facing legal matters after being injured due to another person’s negligence. If you require strong legal representation in Washington D.C. or Maryland, contact our firm today to schedule a consultation.