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What If I Don’t Receive a Sufficient Workers’ Compensation Award?

When you get hurt at work, you should be compensated so that you and your family do not have to worry about money while you recover and wait to get back into the workforce. Unfortunately, insurance companies are not always going to place nice. You might be offered a low compensation award that just won’t be enough to cover your expenses. When that happens, you should not just accept that lowball offer. You should fight for what you deserve with the help of a Washington, D.C. workplace accident lawyer.

What Should My Compensation Award Cover?

Your workers’ compensation award is supposed to cover a few things. It should help make up for:

  • Lost wages
  • Medical expenses
  • Disability, if you cannot work for an extended period of time
  • Vocational rehabilitation and training

Basically, if it’s an expense that helps with your injuries and gets you back into the workforce, your workers’ compensation award should reimburse you for it.

Can I Appeal a Low Compensation Award?

When you make a claim and report your injury to your employer, their insurance company will review your claim and make you an offer. If its not enough, you can appeal. This isn’t always easy though, and you want to make sure that you have done everything right. You are not going to get another chance to change their minds.

When Should I Talk to an Attorney?

That’s why hiring a lawyer can be a good idea. An attorney who knows workers’ compensation claims can review your case and help you make a convincing appeal. They can help you gather convincing evidence and figure out if the insurance company is acting in bad faith.

You probably aren’t used to negotiating with insurance firms and dealing with all of the obstacles that they can throw in your path. Our lawyers have that experience.

Can an Insurer Pressure Me to Accept a Low Offer?

Before you make any appeal, you may be pressured to accept a low compensation award. The insurer usually does one or more of the following:

  • Argue that you’re lucky to get this settlement and that you would get far less in court
  • Act as if you must take or leave compensation right away
  • Guilt you about the effect that a large settlement could have on your workplace and coworkers

Most of their arguments are nonsense. An insurer just wants to get out of this situation for as little money as possible. Ignore any pleading or intimidation tactics and talk to a lawyer.

Contact Our Law Firm Today

So if you were injured at work, contact Trombly & Singer, PLLC. We can schedule a consultation and help you learn more about your legal options. Whether you need help with a workers’ comp claim or you think that you have a personal injury lawsuit on your hands, we’re here to assist you.