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What Can Qualify for a Personal Injury Claim in Washington, D.C.?

Many types of situations and injuries can lead to someone making a personal injury claim. If you got hurt in an accident and you believe that someone else is to blame for your injuries, you may want to talk to our Washington D.C. injury attorneys. We can take a closer look at your personal injury claim and help you fight for the compensation that you deserve.

What Kinds of Injuries Can Lead to a Personal Injury Claim?

If your injuries are going to require serious recovery time or if they will continue to affect your ability to work and live your life normally, you should seriously consider filing a personal injury claim. We often handle claims from clients who suffer from:

  • Head injuries and traumatic brain injuries, like concussions
  • Broken or fractured bones
  • Burns and disfiguring injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries and paralysis
  • Dismemberment

Any of these injuries are going to result in significant medical bills, and you should not have to be forced to pay those on your own if someone else’s negligence caused your accident.

What Kinds of Accidents Can Result in a Personal Injury Claim?

Many types of accidents can lead to the types of injuries that make it necessary to file a personal injury claim. We have plenty of experience helping clients with all sorts of cases, including ones that relate to:

  • Car and truck accidents
  • Slip and fall accidents
  • Motorcycle and bike accidents
  • Workplace injuries
  • Defective products
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Nursing home abuse

If you or a loved one got injured in an accident and you believe that this accident was someone else’s fault, that’s a good reason to submit a claim and pursue damages.

Is Medical Malpractice a Personal Injury Case?

Yes, medical malpractice is considered a personal injury case and our lawyers can help you with that as well. Whether there was a failure to diagnose, a prescription mistake, or a surgical error, we can help you hold someone who made a major medical error responsible for the pain that they have caused.

How Can a Lawyer Help Me?

Your attorney can help you with your case in some key ways. They can help you file before the statute of limitation expires so that you do not miss your chance to pursue compensation. They can also gather evidence that can strengthen your personal injury claim.

An attorney can be especially helpful in cases where there are multiple defendants to hold accountable. This can include car accidents that involve multiple drivers or defective product cases where both a manufacturer and a retailer should be held accountable.

Contact Our Legal Team Today

So when you are ready to move forward with your personal injury claim, contact Trombly & Singer, PLLC. We can schedule a consultation with our team and tell you more about your legal options.