What Are My Rights if I’m Injured On the Job?

Workers have rights when they get injured on the job. If you get hurt when executing your work-related duties, you can apply for workers’ compensation. You can appeal a denied claim. You can also hire an attorney to guide you through this process, like a Washington, D.C. workplace accident lawyer from our firm. We won’t let your employer or anyone else deny you your rights after an injury.

What Should I Do After Getting Injured On the Job?

When you get injured on the job, you must report that to your supervisor or employer as soon as possible. Then this workplace injury needs to be reported to their workers’ compensation insurer.

You do not sue your employer directly when you get hurt at work. Instead, you submit a claim to this insurer and hope to receive workers’ compensation. If your claim is denied, you are able to appeal that decision.

My Employer Encouraged Me to Just Use My Own Medical Insurance. Is This Legal?

An employer is not supposed to encourage you to do anything like this. They carry workers’ compensation insurance. When you get hurt, they should use it. Is your employer worried that their premiums are going to go up? That’s too bad. They cannot tell you not to submit a claim and they cannot retaliate against you later because you exercised your rights.

Should I File a Third-Party Injury Claim After I Get Injured On the Job?

Filing a third-party injury claim might also be an option. Let’s say that you get hurt at work, but it was due to a defective product like a piece of machinery that did not operate as safely as it should have. You can apply for workers’ compensation and you can sue the manufacturer of that product that caused you harm.

Your workers’ compensation will address economic damages, like lost wages and medical bills, but it does not make up for the mental anguish or psychological pain you may have experienced as a result of an accident and your injuries. When you make a third-party claim, you can pursue non-economic damages and get reimbursed for pain and suffering.

Can a Lawyer Help Me?

You have a right to hire a lawyer when you apply for workers’ compensation. An attorney can help you make a compelling claim and appeal if you get denied. They can also help you build a personal injury case, if you decide to make a third-party insurance claim.

Contact Our Law Firm

When you are ready to pursue a workers’ compensation claim or a third-party injury claim, we are ready to help you. Contact Trombly & Singer, PLLC to schedule an appointment with our team. We would be happy to tell you more about your rights and legal options.