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May is National Bicycle Safety Month | Tips For Bicycle Safety

Since May is National Bicycle Safety Month, our experienced Washington D.C. personal injury attorneys took the liberty of compiling a short list of various bicycle safety tips for all those who plan on taking to the road. Please continue reading to learn more about how you can help ensure your safety and that of all those around you.

  • Ensure your bike is ready for the road before setting out. This means ensuring your bike chain is in good condition, your brakes are functioning optimally, and your tires are filled to the appropriate air pressure.
  • Always ride in the same direction as traffic. Moving in the same direction as motor vehicle traffic, in conjunction with using hand signals when appropriate can drastically reduce the risk of an accident.
  • Always wear a helmet. Though any helmet is better than none, you should always try to purchase one that is in compliance with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (CPSC) standards. Wearing a helmet may save your life in the event of a serious collision.
  • Obey all rules and regulations of the road. Just like all other motorists, you must observe the rules and regulations of the road. You must obey traffic lights and signs, never ride your bicycle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and more.
  • Make yourself visible. Before you take your bike out, especially at night, ensure you wear bright colors and use reflective materials so all other motorists can clearly spot you.
  • Pay attention to your surroundings. Though an accident may not be your fault, it’s best you do what you can to ensure it never happens at all. This means staying constantly aware of all other motorists and potential safety hazards around you.

Though these are all great ways to help ensure your safety, the truth is, sometimes they are not enough. If you are someone who has been injured in a bicycle accident due to another party’s negligence, there is a very good chance you are now entitled to financial compensation. Our firm has helped countless individuals recover the compensation they need to cover the cost of their medical bills, lost wages, and more for years, and we are ready to do the same for you. Give our experienced Washington D.C. personal injury attorneys a call today to learn more about how we can help you.


The experienced personal injury and medical malpractice attorneys at Trombly & Singer, PLLC are prepared to represent clients facing legal matters after being injured due to another person’s negligence. If you require strong legal representation in Washington D.C. or Maryland, contact our firm today to schedule a consultation.