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How Do I Report Nursing Home Abuse in Washington D.C.?

When you choose a nursing home for your loved one, you assume that the staff and doctors there are going to deliver the best possible care. Unfortunately, nursing home abuse does happen, and you need to act if you suspect that your loved one is a victim. A Washington, D.C. nursing home abuse lawyer can help you hold any guilty parties accountable.

When Should I Suspect Nursing Home Abuse?

Residents of these facilities can be subject to different kinds of abuse. You should look out for physical and psychological signs of trouble, including:

  • Unexplained bedsores and injuries
  • Mood swings
  • Nervousness around staff members
  • More frequent injuries and issues
  • Indicators of malnutrition or dehydration
  • Missing money or belongings

Unfortunately, many people see seniors as easy targets for abuse. They could be physically, sexually, or financially abused by caregivers. In some cases, they are simply neglected due to a lack of staff or caring. No matter what the route cause or motivations are, someone who mistreats your loved one needs to be held accountable.

How Can I Report Nursing Home Abuse in My State?

You can report cases of abuse to the Department of Health. You can choose to fill out this form and submit it online or through the mail. Another option is calling the Nursing Home Complaint Hotline at 1-888-201-4563. If your loved one is in immediate danger, you should call the police.

What Should I Include in My Report?

It’s important to document as much as you can. This can help you when you make a complaint to the government and if you decide to sue for damages later. You should try to:

  • Take photos of any injuries or bedsores
  • Gather bank statements or financial documents that can show signs of fraud or abuse
  • Take pictures of medication bottles or keep empty ones
  • Record dates of your visits and how your loved one acted on those days
  • Write notes about your interactions with nursing home staff

Should I Sue For Damages?

When your loved one has been the victim of nursing home abuse, you may be able to pursue a personal injury case. You can sue for compensation that would help make up for the pain and suffering your loved one experienced. In cases where the actions of staff members were particularly negligent or reprehensible, you could even be awarded punitive damages. Our lawyers can tell you more about the potential for compensation in your suit.

Contact Our Law Firm Today

If your loved one was mistreated by staff and doctors in their facility, then contact Trombly & Singer, PLLC. We can evaluate your case and tell you more about your legal options and what our lawyers can do to help you hold any liable parties accountable.