Unfortunately, car accidents happen on the road each day. People may be speeding or not paying attention to the road, causing them to strike another vehicle. This may cause a minor fender bender or a rather large accident with multiple vehicles involved. These accidents can be scary. They can lead to serious injuries to those involved. While motor vehicle accidents may seem like a normal scenario, a motor vehicle striking a pedestrian can seem more alarming. These accidents can be even more dangerous for a pedestrian since they have no protection from a car. They can be seriously injured or even killed during this accident. Drivers should be yielding to pedestrians in the proper circumstances. They can be held liable if they fail to do so. If a driver is driving in a negligent manner, they may be held responsible for the accident that occurred. They should be aware of their surroundings and not distracted in any way. They should not be looking at their phone, speeding or driving in a reckless manner.
Can a pedestrian seek damages?
After a pedestrian is struck by a car, they have the right to seek legal action. They can file a lawsuit against a driver and prove negligence on behalf of the driver. During these situations, it may have to be proven that the driver acted in a negligent manner that contributed to the accident that occurred. The pedestrian should have their injuries examined by a doctor. This can provide documentation of the injuries and their extent. With this evidence, it can support the pedestrian’s case against the driver that struck them. If the pedestrian wins the case against the negligent driver, they can gain damages that can aid them during recovery. These damages can provide compensation for medical bills that have helped them during their healing process. They may also receive damages for lost wages and lost future wages. In addition, their emotional turmoil can be taken into account to provide additional compensation. Emotional trauma from the accident can affect them for the rest of their lives. It should be taken into account.
The experienced personal injury and medical malpractice attorneys at Trombly & Singer, PLLC are prepared to represent clients facing legal matters after being injured due to another person’s negligence. If you require strong legal representation in Washington D.C. or Maryland, contact our firm today to schedule a consultation.